How Long Does It Take for a Professional Duct Repair Company to Complete a Job?

The minimum time required to replace ducts in a normal-sized building is 24 to 48 hours. Large buildings can take 72 to 96 hours. A larger home may have several units that require more time to repair. On average, pipeline projects can take between one and four days to complete.

The simplest, most hassle-free pipeline projects are fairly straightforward jobs and can take as little as a day. However, there are many factors that can influence the timeline. The size of the job is a major factor in the final cost of the project. Most contractors will charge for each linear foot of pipeline that is replaced or will provide an estimate based on the number of pipelines.

Larger homes will require more ductwork, which will result in higher project costs. Ducts typically last 10 to 20 years before they need to be replaced. Most ducts need to be repaired when they are upgraded to larger or more efficient units. Basic repairs include fixing a leak, replacing a vent, or replacing small sections of ducts or insulation. Installers spray a sealant on the inside of the ducts to create a ¼ inch thick rubber coating that completely covers, seals, and restores old ducts. Repairing an existing air duct system generally costs less than replacing an entire system with new ducts.

There is a difference between simply replacing ducts of the same type and size and updating them to have a larger size or a different type. The cost of each repair job will depend on what needs to be repaired, the difficulty of accessing them, the price of the individual components, taking into account the material you choose, and the labor required if you need the repair to be done by a professional. An air duct network maintained by professionals is likely to be more durable and maintain its efficiency for longer than air ducts installed by non-professionals. On the other hand, it is necessary to clean the air ducts if there is mold or mildew, if you have a rodent or insect infestation, or if your ducts are clogged. Replacing ducts with ducts of another type or size will take longer to ensure that all new connections are properly installed and that the change in size has not caused any unexpected problems. Duct insulation reduces energy bills by 10% to 40%, prevents condensation and extends the life of ducts.

In the case of minor duct repairs, such as touching up an old duct or replacing an existing one, you may be able to do it yourself. Unfortunately, this additional step will increase the costs of cleaning the ducts, since a professional cannot fix the ducts until they are free of bugs. Understanding the difference in costs between repairing and replacing air ducts is important for homeowners to decide what is the best course of action for them. Duct contractors recommend cleaning, repairing, or encapsulating the mezzanine floor before installing new ducts. Many of the major HVAC system cleaning companies combine air duct cleaning with other air conditioning services, such as cleaning parts related to the boiler environment. The total cost of replacing ducts depends on the size of the house, the location of the ducts, the number of ducts, the type of ducts, and the insulation.

Eliza Bell
Eliza Bell

Extreme internet ninja. Certified bacon nerd. Lifelong bacon ninja. Unapologetic music geek. Subtly charming internet expert. Infuriatingly humble problem solver.