How to Save Money and Energy with Professional Duct Repair and Installation

Are you looking for a way to save energy and money? If so, having your air conditioner or oven unit repaired or replaced by a professional is a great option. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends cleaning air ducts if dirt, dust, debris, mold, insects, or rodent droppings are visible. If you're noticing any of these signs, it's time to call in an air duct cleaning professional. Our technicians are highly trained and equipped to handle any duct repair or installation job.

They can assess the situation and determine if repair or replacement is necessary. Repairing air ducts is usually less expensive than replacing them, but it may not be enough to solve the problem. Tests have shown that sealants don't always cover the entire duct surface, which can reduce the acoustic and fireproof qualities of fiberglass ducts. Elite's team of air conditioner repair and replacement specialists can provide you with a highly efficient air duct system that will save you money and keep your home comfortable for years to come. Rigid ducts are easier to clean, and most duct cleaning companies offer this service.

If you're looking to replace the air ducts yourself, you'll need metal sheets, hooks and straps, ventilation covers, duct sealant, insulation, and adhesive tape. When it comes to pricing, some air duct cleaning companies offer package rates based on the total number of vents or square feet, while others charge based on individual HVAC system needs. The technician can provide you with an estimate of how much energy you can save by having your system repaired or installed by them. By investing in professional duct repair or installation services, you can save money on energy bills while also improving the comfort of your home. Professional technicians have the experience and expertise to ensure that your system is running efficiently and safely. Plus, they can provide you with an estimate of how much energy you can save by having your system repaired or installed by them.

Eliza Bell
Eliza Bell

Extreme internet ninja. Certified bacon nerd. Lifelong bacon ninja. Unapologetic music geek. Subtly charming internet expert. Infuriatingly humble problem solver.