What Kind of Warranty Does a Duct Repair Company Offer?

When you invest in a new air conditioning system, it's essential to make sure your purchase is safeguarded. Most manufacturers provide a 10-year warranty for parts, but this doesn't include labor costs for repairs. That's why it's important to consider buying a 10-year labor warranty as well. This will guarantee that both parts and labor are covered for 10 years. The manufacturer's warranty usually covers any component of the machine in the name of the HVAC brand.

A labor warranty, on the other hand, will cover service charges, labor costs, and related fees to install that part. In other words, the manufacturer's warranty covers only parts and the labor warranty covers any gaps.

Eliza Bell
Eliza Bell

Extreme internet ninja. Certified bacon nerd. Lifelong bacon ninja. Unapologetic music geek. Subtly charming internet expert. Infuriatingly humble problem solver.